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Tag Providers


Learn about how to use and create Tag providers, Ignition's primary means of organizing Tags.

Video recorded using: Ignition 8.0


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[00:00] The tag system in Ignition features a concept called a tag provider. A tag provider is a grouping of tags. When you first install Ignition, we create a tag provider for you. It's called default, and you see that tag provider in the tag browser. There's this tags folder here, and you can see that I've added a couple of tags. But basically as we're adding tags to the tags folder, it's actually placing the tags in our tag provider. So what you're seeing here with all my little sub-folders, that basically represents my tag provider. Now there are more pieces to a tag provider, for example when we start talking about tag groups later on, tag groups exist per tag provider. If we wanted to look at the tag providers that currently exist on our gateway or that we have access to, from your designer, we can head up to the help menu here, we can go to about Ignition designer. And when I get this big window here, we can actually just scroll down, and I'm going to click on my connective gateway which just takes me back to the gateway I launched this designer from. That should open up your browser. You can head over to the config section. Go ahead and log in with our user credentials. And if I scroll on down here, on the left-hand side there should be a tags area with a real-time area, which when I click on, takes us to our list of tag providers. So we have one that's called default. When you first install Ignition, we create this default tag provider just to you have a place to start putting tags. We can create a new one, I can click on the create new real-time tag provider. We have two options. I'm not really using the gateway network at this point, but we'll talk about remote tag providers later on. We'll stick with a standard tag provider, I'll hit next. I'll leave the name of new provider alone here, and simply just create the new tag provider. So now I actually have two tag providers that exist in my system. So I have two different places I can start creating and adding tags. Now, a common question that comes up, when do you create a new tag provider? Like, what makes sense, what is a good time to do that? So, changing your tags after you've already started building your screens is a little bit rough, you have to make sure you're not breaking paths and bindings and such. But how you use the tag providers is really up to your organization. They're mostly there for convenience. You could put different tags into different providers. So I have these tag providers now, they both exist, but do I interact with the new one? So, I'm going to close my browser here, which should take us back to our designer, I'll get the about designer window out of the way. Now you'll notice we don't actually see our new provider under tags here. Even if you hit the refresh button, we can go back to tags, we still have our same set of tags here. However, if we go to this all providers folder here, you'll actually see your two tag providers, including the new provider. So we have a fresh area to start creating adding tags to. Now this does bring up an interesting point. You'll notice that our default tag provider is down here, as well as being represented up above in the tags folder. We're seeing the exact same set of tags. Furthermore, if I go up to tags here, if I hit the little add tag dropdown and I add a new tag, how 'about just a memory tag for right now, leave it with the default name of new tag, I'll hit okay, and you can see that that tag gets added to both providers. So if I write to the value of one of them in one of the providers, we'll see that on the other. So why are we doing this, why are we showing you the same tag provider twice? The tags folder at the top here represents the default tag provider for the project. So when you first create your project, you have the option to select a tag provider, or you just leave it with the default option, which is the default tag provider. You can always change this later, so I could come up to project properties here, and under project and general, under tag settings, there's a default provider, so I could switch this over to my new provider which is going to change the group of tags that are listed under the tags folder. So when you hit okay here, and changing your tag provider's a fairly large change, so you need to hit okay here and then save the project for it to have an impact, so we'll save. Now if I go back to my tags folder, you can see that it's empty because it's now using the new provider, which is empty. So again, the default tag provider is really kind of a convenience here. You basically use it as a way to give your team a smaller subset of tags to work with. Now even though I have my new provider as the default for the project here, I still have access, again, from all providers to all of my tags in my system, including remote tag providers. So regardless of what you do with that default tag provider for your project, you can always grab the same tags from any of your tag providers.

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