This lesson is part of the Security in Ignition course. You can browse the rest of the lessons below.


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Audit profiles store information into a database. This video shows how to display that information and what information is stored.

Video recorded using: Ignition 7.7


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[00:00] Once you set up an auto log inside of Ignition and attached it to a project like we showed in previous videos, then you can come back in your project and actually see what information is in that auto log. So we've got a main window open here with a table component on there. And I'm going to go into the Data property of that table component. And if you click on the binding icon here, choose a Functions binding type, and then we're going to choose the Security Auto Log. Now in here there's just a few things that you need to fill out. I'm going to choose that Audit profile that I created previously, and I don't have anything to bind it to when normally you'd bind your start and end date to something on the screen, but I'm just going to go ahead and pick out day, say, yesterday for the start, tomorrow for the finish, and hit OK. And now you can see here's some information about the auto log. You can see that my admin user did certain things like login, save, publish, write to a tag, what the results were, what the context is, all that information. And then you can also just pull it out of the database however you'd like outside of this function.

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