
You can easily import data from a CSV or Excel file with the Static CSV data source.

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[00:00] The static CSV data source allows you to quickly bring data into your report. Let's take a look at how they work. Here in the data tab from my report, I'm going to add a new data source. I'm going to go down to static CSV. You'll notice that it comes pre-loaded with some data to demonstrate how it works. The first row is where you can assign names to each of your columns. I have column one, two, and three. You can see in column one, I have a couple of integers, in column two, I have a couple of floats, and in column three, I have some strings. Now while these string values have quotation marks around them, I don't actually need the quotation marks. Let me demonstrate by adding some additional rows of data. You will be able to see in just a minute, that even though these two strings don't have quotation marks around them, they'll still work just fine. Now if we go into the design tab of our report, we can go over to the data sources folder in the key browser, and we can see our static data listed here with columns one, two, and three. In the report, I've placed a table that contains our static data. You can see I'm listing the data for column one, column two, and column three, as well as the totals for each of the three columns. Now if I go over to my preview tab, you can see I have all of my data listed here, including the two strings without quotation marks. In addition, the total calculations worked for column one and column two, but not for column three, because these are string values. Static CSV data sources are really useful, and that they allow you to quickly bring data into your report. In addition, they also work great when testing out a report, and you don't quite have access to a database yet. You can instead build a static CSV data source, and model it to look like your database tables would. You can then use that test data that you've put together in a static CSV to test out your report until it's finished, and then swap it out for the real database data once you have access to that.

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