View Security


Learn how to restrict access to specific views in your Perspective project.

Video recorded using: Ignition 8.0


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[00:00] In Perspective, each view can have security placed on it to restrict which users have access to see that view. To add security to a view, we first need to find that view in our project browser, and then right click on it and go to configure view permissions. As you can see, the view permissions are based on what security levels the user has. We can check the security levels that we want a user to have for them to be able to access this view. You'll notice I can actually select multiple security levels and down at the bottom, we get to decide whether we want to require users to match with all of those levels, or any of the selected levels. Once you've made your selection, you can click the OK button in the lower right hand corner to save your changes. Let's take a look at this in action. I'm going to go ahead and close out of this, and open up my Perspective project that I already have opened in my web browser. I have two simple views here, view one has a button to navigate to view two, as well as a login button. And then view two, simply has a button to navigate back to view one. You'll notice that currently I can navigate freely back and forth between them, even though I'm not currently logged in. I'm going to go back to my designer, and I'm going to add security to view two. So I'm going to right click on view two, configure view permissions, and then I'm going to add some permissions that are required. In this case, I'm simply going to require that the user authenticates, so I'm going to check the authenticated level. Once I have that, I can click OK, and then I can save my changes. If I now go back to my Perspective project, you'll notice when I try to navigate to view two, I get an error letting me know that I don't have permission to load this particular view. I can navigate back to view one, and then click the login button to login as a user. This is going to ask me to login against whatever identity provider that I have set up in the project properties. I've now logged in as my admin user, and I can see that by going down to this bar down at the bottom, and I can see that I'm logged in as admin. Now that I've logged in as someone, I now can navigate to view two, because I meet that security level restriction.

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